BonaVets Clinic
- Runda, Rwanda, Ruyenzi, Southern Province, Rwanda
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Health and Advisory Management Visit without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicHealth Information Systems (HIS) serve multiple users and a wide array of purposes that can be summarized as the “generation of information to enable decision-makers at all levels of the health system to identify problems and needs, make evidence-based decisions on health policy and allocate scarce resources optimally”
USD14.90 -
Reduction of prolopsis without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicSmall or incomplete prolapses can be manually reduced under anesthesia by using a finger or bougie. Warm saline lavage and lubrication with a water-soluble gel should be applied to the prolapsed tissue before reduction.
USD4.97 – USD29.80 -
Correction of dystocia Without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicTreatment of Dystocia in Small Animals. The goal of medical management of dystocia is to stimulate the myometrium with drugs (only if imaging findings do not indicate obstructive dystocia) or provide manual assistance. Sedation may be necessary for obstetrics or if the dam is extremely nervous.
USD4.97 – USD29.80 -
Assistance to normal delivery Without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicOnce the head and shoulders are exposed, rotate the calf a quarter of a turn to aid in the hips entering the pelvic canal. If this does not allow delivery, pull the calf downward at a 45-degree angle, or nearly parallel with the rear legs of the cow. “Hip lock” can be a problem serious enough to cause loss of the calf.
USD3.97 – USD14.90 -
Pregnancy Diagnosis Without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicThe diagnosis of early pregnancy is usually based on measurement of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine or blood, but ultrasonography is also an accurate diagnostic technique. History and physical examination are not highly sensitive methods for early diagnosis.
USD2.98 -
artificial insemination only service without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets Clinicthe process of collecting sperm cells from a male animal and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of a female.
USD3.97 – USD4.97 -
Closed castration for bull without transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicBloodless (closed) methods include using banding methods or an emasculatome. Bloodless methods may be preferred when environmental conditions increase the risk of surgical complications. Banding is a process of placing a band above the scrotum, close to the abdomen, entrapping both spermatic cords.
USD4.97 -
Bloat treatment without transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicBloated animals starting to show signs of distress need veterinary attention. A stomach tube can be used to relieve the gas build-up. Anti-foaming agents can be delivered directly into the rumen through the tube. Moving the animal around after treatment is important.
USD9.93 -
Dehorning service without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets Clinicthe removal of the horn of an animal by methods which destroy or remove the keratin-producing cells and structures at the base of the horn
USD4.97 -
Suture of multiple wounds without Transport
Sold By: BonaVets ClinicRunning sutures are useful for long wounds in which wound tension has been minimized with properly placed deep sutures and in which approximation of the wound edges is good.