Absolut Mango (1L)
Absolut Mango Vodka is full-bodied and juicy with a character of ripe mango and notes of tropical fruits. Absolut Mango is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and it doesn’t contain any added sugar making it perfect for mixing. The main ingredients in Absolut Mango are Absolut Vodka and mango flavour.
USD38.64Absolut Mango (1L)
USD38.64 -
Absolut Vanilla (1L)
This rich, robust and complex vodka is characterized by it’s distinct taste of vanilla, notes of butterscotch and hints of dark chocolate. It can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks or added to a wide selection of drinks and cocktails to enhance the taste.
USD38.64Absolut Vanilla (1L)
USD38.64 -
Jameson Irish whiskey is a triple-distilled blended Irish whiskey, as versatile as it is smooth. Whiskey like Jameson isn’t just born smooth and balanced. First, we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distill them. Not because we have to, because we want to – this gives Jameson its signature smoothness. This tradition began in 1780 with John Jameson, and we continue his legacy to this day. Finally, we age our whiskey in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. A unique whiskey with a perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry.
USD38.64 -
Bacardi Black (1L)
Bacardi Black is a medium-bodied black rum, expertly blended using rum developed in heavily charred oak barrels and then shaped through a secret blend of charcoals.
USD30.91Bacardi Black (1L)
USD30.91 -
Captain Mogan Spiced Gold (1L)
Notes of rich vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, warming spices with hints of oak, come together to create a perfectly balanced spirit with a smooth finish.
USD33.12Captain Mogan Spiced Gold (1L)
USD33.12 -
Martini Fiero (1L)
Martini Fiero is a contemporary take on vermouth that combines citrus, bittersweet orange, crisp white wines and wormwood for bold and zesty flavours that pair perfectly with tonic.
USD26.49Martini Fiero (1L)
USD26.49 -
Malibu (1L)
One of the world’s leading flavoured spirits, Malibu is the refreshing taste of summer. Made with Caribbean rum that is produced in a distillery on a beach in Barbados, the original coconut-flavoured rum is a staple in iconic cocktails such as piña coladas and daiquiris.
USD33.12Malibu (1L)
USD33.12 -
Martini Bianco (1L)
Martini Bianco is a fine blend of Italian white wine infused with herbs and sweet floral botanicals and produces an aromatic yet delicate drink with notes of vanilla and citrus. It’s no secret that the Italians are renowned for their style and sophistication.
USD26.49Martini Bianco (1L)
USD26.49 -
Blue Cuaracao (1L)
Blue Curacao has a sweet orange peel flavor, with subtle bitter finish. The flavor is similar to Triple Sec, with a touch more bitterness. How much alcohol is in Blue Curacao? It varies based on the brand, but it’s usually around 25% ABV
USD27.60Blue Cuaracao (1L)
USD27.60 -
Absolut Citron (1L)
ABSOLUT CITRON is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike most other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. To put it short and simple: ABSOLUT CITRON is smooth and mellow, with a fresh fruity lemon and lime character and a note of lemon peel. USD38.64Absolut Citron (1L)
USD38.64 -
Absolut Vodka (1L)
In fact Absolut is as pure as vodka can be. Still, that purity has a certain taste: Rich, full-bodied and complex, yet smooth and mellow with a distinct character of grain, followed by a hint of dried fruit. USD33.12Absolut Vodka (1L)
USD33.12 -
Havana Club 7yrs (1L)
This dark rum, matured in ex-Bourbon barrels, showcases the rich natural flavours of Cuba.
USD51.88Havana Club 7yrs (1L)
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