Wine rendez vous 750ml
Rendez Vous Red is a non-alcoholic wine produced by the French company, Pierre Chavin. It is made from a blend of de-alcoholized wine, which is a wine that has had the alcohol removed, and grape juice. Rendez Vous Red has a deep red colour and a fruity taste, with hints of blackcurrant and cherry
USD5.28Wine rendez vous 750ml
USD5.28 -
Ovartine 400g
Ovaltine Power 10 Chocolate Malt Drink is a nutritious drink with the natural goodness of malt and milk, and a great taste and aroma. It is fortified with calcium, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorous, choline, iodine, iron, taurine, and folic acid.
USD6.34Ovartine 400g
USD6.34 -
Simba Mbili 200g
Simba Mbili Curry Powder used in all curries, meat, fish and vegetables dishes, Used in marinades and sauces to enhance and spice the flavour. Ingredients: Coriander Seed, Cereals, Turmeric, Mustard seed, Chillies, Salt, Ginger, Jaggery, Fennel seed, Fenugreek seed, Cumin seed, Cinnamon, Garlic.
USD3.17Simba Mbili 200g
USD3.17 -
Ketchup 340g
A thick red coloured sauce with a tomato flavour. Starch), Sugar, Acidity Regulator (Acetic Acid), Salt, Spirit Vinegar, Preservative (Potassium Sorbate), Spice & Spice Extracts, Onion Powder, Sweeteners (Aspartame, Sodium Saccharin), Colour (Ammonia Caramel).
USD1.59Ketchup 340g
USD1.59 -
Akabanga Chili oil 100ml
It is a chili oil made from a mixture of African grown Scotch Bonnet peppers and African grown habanero peppers mixed with vegetable oil.
USD3.70Akabanga Chili oil 100ml
USD3.70 -
American ocean mushrooms pieces * stem 130g
the stem or stalk-like feature supporting the cap of a mushroom. Like all tissues of the mushroom other than the hymenium, the stipe is composed of sterile hyphal tissueUSD1.59 -
Soup-Chicken (Chicken meats, Potato, Green Banana)
Chicken soup is a soup made from chicken, simmered in water, usually with various other ingredients. The classic chicken soup consists of a clear chicken broth, often with pieces of chicken or vegetables; common additions are pasta, noodles, dumplings, or grains such as rice and barley. USD5.52 -
Beef carbonade (beaf meats, beer)
a Belgian beef stew with beer that is full of caramelized onions, bacon, and tender, slow cooked beef. Served with thick cut fries or boiled potatoes, this stew is the perfect recipe for winter comfort food USD6.62 -
Croque madame (Bread tomato with chips)
A Croque Monsieur is a French ham and cheese dish on buttered bread. It’s often served as a sandwich, with the cheese and ham melted into the bread by gently browning the outside of the sandwich. A Croque Madame is similar, but it has an egg on top of it. USD4.42 -
Chicken stongnoff
A popular Russian food dish that is typically made from thinly sliced beef taken from a tender cut of meat, which is quickly sautéed in butter with sliced mushrooms and onions. The sautéed mixture is then combined with a sour cream sauce and is most often served over a rice pilaf or noodles. USD6.62Chicken stongnoff
USD6.62 -
Beef Steak(beef tonderised meat with chips salled)
A beefsteak, often called just steak, is a flat cut of beef with parallel faces, usually cut perpendicular to the muscle fibers. In common restaurant service a single serving has a raw mass ranging from 120 to 600 grams (4 to 21 oz). Beef steaks are usually grilled, pan-fried, or broiled. USD6.62
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